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On Page Seo In 5 Minutes

On Page Seo

As you already know that blogging is all about getting traffic and converting that traffic On Page SEO in 5 Minutes

As you already know that blogging is all about getting traffic and converting that traffic into money. The traffic you get from search engines is called organic traffic.

After writing so many great posts/articles you might be worried about the traffic your blog gets from various search engines. And if you are not getting the amount of traffic you deserve, you must learn some on-pageseo tricks. SEO on page will look after the amount of visitors to your blog. So if you want some more traffic from search engines, you must do some on page seo optimization before publishing your post. You can read about the best seo tool in my in my previous post here.

Before you publish your next post you should perform the following tasks to increase the ranking of your blog in the search results of search engines which is a great carrier carrier of organic traffic (If you want to know more about organic traffic read this):


FIRST: Completely Plan Your Post
# Suppose you are going to write about "Democracy is Alive", you will need to perform the following things:
1. Chose your keywords carefully.
2. Choose a title that contains the main keywords.
3. And the most important thing, you must choose a related keyword about your niche which should be "democracy" in my case.

SECOND: Write Title and Description

# Before you write any article for your blog next time, write a keyword rich title and a keyword rich description for each and every article/blog post for seo on page.

THIRD: Mind Your Keyword Density

# First you must make sure that your main keywords do not exceed 3% in the whole article.
# And then you must provide a parent keyword to your main keyword.

Remember: Making sure that your main keywords do not exceed 3% will surely increase your traffic. But how will you decide whether your article exceeds the limit or not? The best way to avoid the measurement process that does not affect the seo of your article is to use your main keyword in the first paragraph of your article and then three times in the middle and another time at the end.

FOURTH: Don't Forget to Highlight Keywords

# Highlighting your keywords makes it easy for the search engines to identify that your article is based on those similar keywords. So make your keywords bold or italics.

FIFTH: Interlink With Other Post in The same Catagory

# Interlinking is also an important aspect of on page seo. Whenever you publish a new article, you must link back the new article with your other articles with related keywords.

SIXTH: Serve Some External Links

# Before you publish/post your article provide at least one external link and use a nofollow tag because if you use the nofollow link search engines will ignore that link.

SEVENTH: Write Description For Images

# If you are using blogger then your blogger platform does not provide this option. It means that you won't be able to provide or add description to your images. But it is very important for every little traffic counts. So just write 'alt=DESCRIPTION' in the image tag and you are ready to publish your post after doing all the necessary things for seo on page.

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