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Alternatif Cek Seo: Situs Chkme.Com Error, Server Down

Alternatif Cek SEO: Situs Chkme.Com Error, Server Down

Masih dalam pengembangan sebuah template blogger, baru-baru ini saya menemukan kenyataan bahwa situs Chkme.Com mengalami Error.

Berdasarkan warta yang diterbitkan oleh Down or No Right Now, dikatakan bahwa situs Chkme.Com mengalami Down.

Untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut, di bawah ini ada beberapa situs alternatif yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mengecek skor SEO 100% atau tidak.

Baca Juga: Situs untuk Membantu Memilih Nama Domain Blog yang Keren

Alternatif Cek SEO: Situs Chkme.Com Error, Server Down


Berdasarkan perhitungan dan evaluasi yang saya lakukan dari situs SEO Centro di atas, ternyata SEO Score blog ini berada di angka 60% dari 100%.

Sedangkan Speed Score-nya mencapai 78% dari 100%. Alhamdulillah, lumayan... dari pada lu manyun ^^

Webpage has 14 heading tags. The search engines uses the heading tags for the keywords. For best practice try not to use more than 30 heading tags in the webpage and no heading tags longer than 120 characters.


Beda situs, beda pula hasilnya. Berdasarkan analisa dari sistem situs web Cek SEO, Score Rank blog ini berada di angka 44.

  • Success: 74% of passed verification steps
  • Warning: 13% of total warning
  • Errors: 13% of total errors, require fast action
  • Page Speed: 91%
  • Page Speed Mobile: 73%
  • Usability Mobile: 99%
  • Domain Authorit: 1 (Satu, sebab Blogspot.Com)


  1. Unique Visits: 3,049
  2. Pages Views: 5,640
  3. Income: $4


  1. Unique Visits: 85,372
  2. Pages View: 160,740
  3. Income: $100


  1. Unique Visits: 987,876
  2. Pages View: 1,895,040
  3. Income: $1,056

Sebenarnya, ada begitu banyak situs web yang dapat kita pilih sebagai alternatif Chkme.Com yang Error.

Akan tetapi, kedua situs web di atas merupakan pilihan terbaik berdasarkan saya sebab informasinya sangat lengkap. Lumayan akurat gitu, deh! :)

Masih dalam pengembangan sebuah template blogger Alternatif Cek SEO: Situs Chkme.Com Error, Server Down

Tambahan! Coba gunakan situs web ini:

Cara Mengatasi Situs Chkme.Com yang ERROR

A. Down or No Right Now: Troubleshooting Tips

If Chkme is Up but you are having trouble with accessing the website, Try one of the steps below and then reload the website you're having trouble with.

  • Refresh the website you're trying to load by pressing CTRL + F5 keys at the same time on your browser.
  • Delete all cookies from and clear your web browser's cache to make sure you have the latest version of the website.
  • If you have recently installed a new firewall program, browser extension/add-on or Internet security software that might be causing problems with the website, Try disabling it temporarily.

B. Fix your DNS issues

Domain Name Server (DNS) transforms human-readable domain names into computer-readable IP Addresses.

When you try to visit, your computer contacts its DNS server to retrieve's IP address. The default DNS servers are usually provided by your ISP.

1. Try accessing via its IP address directly, this bypasses the DNS lookup and DNS filtering. If this method works and you still unables to access Chkme via its domain, then it is a DNS issue. It might not necessarily be the ISP's fault. It could be your DNS cache corrupted or outdated.

2. Turn off your router or modem for 30 seconds and then turn it on again. This should resolve most of your DNS issues.

3. Clear your DNS cache to force your computer to retrieve most recent DNS information from your ISP. For windows: Click the start button > Open Command Prompt > Type "ipconfig /flushdns" and press enter.

4. If you can access from another network but the persoalan still persists on your computer or device, it could be a DNS fault. Rather than waiting for your ISP to fix their DNS problem, you can try using an alternative DNS provider like OpenDNS or Google Public DNS.

Begitulah kata Down or No Right Now. Ngerti? Google Translate, dong! Hahaha...

Baca Juga: Cara Mengatasi Pesan Error "Redirect" di Fetch as Google

Itulah pembahasan artikel kali ini perihal alternatif situs Chkme.Com yang sedang Server Down. Semoga berguna, Gan!

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