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Promoting Blog Posts | #2 Social Media Sharing

Promoting Blog Posts | #2 Social Media & Sharing

 it is important to share this information on social media sites Promoting Blog Posts | #2 Social Media  Sharing

Once you publish a new post, it is important to share this information on social media sites. I know myself that I only get a chance to go through my reading list once a week, so if you post regularly, I may miss your great posts. Sharing them on Facebook & Twitter, means that there is a greater chance of people seeing it and therefore reading it. Great content will be easily shared, especially these days. Here's some tips on how to get it going...

Share on major social media sites.

Social Media sites are amazing at spreading something like wildfire, it's the quickest, fastest way to make your content popular. Don't be selfish when it comes to retweeting and sharing, you have to give a little to get a little. Share you favourite sites relating to your blog topic (in other words, what you're readers/followers have an interest in), explain why you like and ask for opinions or other peoples favourite. Be interactive and when you share your post, maybe someone will return the favour.
  • Facebook - Share on Personal/Blog Pages, Groups, Ads...
  • Twitter - Schedule 3 tweets ( Morning, Afternoon, Evening)
  • Pinterest - Create a board for your blog & pin each post (images are important here!)
  • LinkedIn - If it is relevant, share on LinkedIn & groups.
  • Google+ - Gives extra SEO benefits because of Google Search.
  • Share images on Tumblr, Lookbook and other sites revenant to post topic.
  • Share posts on groups & forums related to your topic.

Share on Bookmarking Sites

The more you can hit, the better really. These kind of sites allow content to be randomly found, searched and shared by a much wider audience.

Summary video

Turn your blog post into a summary video, add watermark and share on video sites. Again, reaching a new market and driving people back to your site for more information.
  • Youtube
  • Vimeo
  • Dailymotion
  • Videojug
  • Podcasts

Optimize each blog post for specific keywords

  • Learn how to increase your SEO here.
  • Include keywords 5 times for 500 word posts.
  • Don't over do keywords..

Newsletter contacts signed up because they want to be updated

  • Email Newsletters and include latest posts.
  • Create an RSS Feed to be automatically updated.

Comments & Community

  • Leave thoughtful comments on relevant blog posts.
  • Chat to people in a similar niche.
  • Participate in the community. Find groups, chats, forums and sites related to your topic.
  • If the opportunity comes up, guest blog to reach a wider audience.

Pick a couple of syndication sites to help spread content.

Don't overdo it, use 4 sites max and share to most relevant places!

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